Travel on Purpose
Book Club
Join our friendly group of thoughtful readers and armchair travelers.
Together we will "travel" to destinations around the globe,
about the people, culture and history of that area.
Quarter One, Two & Three are now closed for registration, but we'd love to have you join us for Quarter Four as we head to Sri Lanka! Sign up now and reserve your spot.

A Unique Book Club with Purpose
Join us on a trip around the world through books! In addition to learning, connecting with each other, and broadening our perspectives, we'll also make an impact in the world for good! Every book is paired with a local organization that is doing good work in that part of the world! Whether it be a social enterprise or a non-profit, every quarter will feature a well-vetted organization that will be the recipient of a book club donation from membership fees. Your participation means that together we will make a global impact for good in 2024.

The 2024 (Book) Destinations
Los Angeles, CA
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Nairobi, Kenya
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Bangalore, India
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 What does it cost to participate in the book club? 
  • The whole year subscription costs $180, but when you pay in full, you'll receive a $20 discount and only pay $160.
  • Payment plans are available if you'd like to pay quarterly or monthly.
  • Or just choose the books/destinations you're interested in and pay per quarter at $45 each.
What's included in the book club membership? 
  • Monthly invitations to Zoom gatherings
  • A quarterly gift box mailed right to your door
  • A 10-page Book Guide that includes discussion questions and other resources related to the book and destination
  • A donation to a do-good organization
  • A recommended film list for each quarter
  • Southern California members: An invitation to a local meet-up
 What's NOT included in the book club membership? 
  • Your book
    • Purchase or borrow your own copy
    • Choose your favorite way to enjoy (audio, digital or paper)

Sign up with credit card
Sign up with Venmo or Zelle

"This book club has felt like a little retreat that I look forward to on my calendar. We visit new corners of the world through the books and then live through the experiences of others – both the members of the club sharing their stories and the partners painting a picture of their work in far flung places."
-Elizabeth W. - 2023 Book Club Member
What books will we read in 2024?
The following list of books are recommendations from book club members, favorite authors, best sellers, and inspiring stories! This year's line-up will leave you delighted, laughing, overwhelmed, heart-broken, curious and hopeful! We'll read two memoirs, one biography and one piece of fiction! These books will transport us to the places where these remarkable stories take place.
Tattoos on the Heart
by Gregory Boyle
Genre: Memoir
Travel with us to Los Angeles as we get to know the power of boundless compassion. Tattoos on the Heart is a memoir written by Gregory Boyle, a Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles. The book shares Father Boyle's experiences working with gang members in East Los Angeles, providing insights into the challenges and redemptive moments of his work. The title, "Tattoos on the Heart," refers to the idea that the transformative power of compassion and unconditional love can metaphorically erase the societal labels and stigmas, like tattoos on the skin, that often accompany gang life. The book is a collection of poignant and uplifting anecdotes that highlight the universal humanity that connects us all, regardless of our backgrounds or circumstances. Father Boyle's narrative emphasizes the importance of kinship, empathy, and second chances in fostering positive change and breaking the cycle of violence and despair.
 Quarter One:
  • January
  • February
  • March 
West with the Night: A Memoir
by Beryl Markham
Genre: Memoir
West with the Night is a memoir written by Beryl Markham, originally published in 1942. The book provides a vivid account of Markham's remarkable life in British East Africa (now Kenya) during the early 20th century. Markham recounts her experiences as a pioneering aviator, horse trainer, and adventurer. The narrative captures her daring solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean and reflects on her relationships with notable figures such as Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) and Denys Finch Hatton. Markham's eloquent prose and captivating storytelling offer readers a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of a woman living a life ahead of her time. The memoir is celebrated for its lyrical descriptions of the African landscape and its portrayal of Markham's courage and independence.
 Quarter Two:
  • April
  • May
  • June 
Barefoot King
by Hayley Bennett Lyle
Genre: Biography
Step into India in the year 1971, where the Dalits, referred to as the "untouchables," are prohibited to wear shoes, politicians rule over justice, and the ideals of India’s young constitution clash against a 2,000-year tradition of caste-based oppression.

In Barefoot King, Raj and his Dalit community find themselves ensnared in this harsh reality, but as Raj excels academically and becomes a beneficiary of a global child-sponsorship program, Raj becomes the catalyst for change. Soon Raj is transforming his entire village from alcohol and abuse-ridden place into a healthy, supportive community. From there, he begins to uplift Dalit villages throughout his entire district.

Opportunities are unfolding for Raj with college scholarships and promising positions in politics. However, with greater success comes greater threats. For the path to success is a precarious journey for a Dalit.

 Quarter Three:
  • July
  • August
  • September 
by Christy Lefteri
Genre: Fiction
Nisha has crossed oceans to give her child a future. Now she spends her days caring for someone else's daughter while her own waits for her return, half a world away in Sri Lanka. For Petra, it is only natural to hire a domestic worker to keep her house clean and her family fed. Their lives have nothing in common, except the love they feel for their daughters. Then one day, Nisha vanishes. No one cares about the disappearance of a foreign domestic worker, except Petra and Nisha's secret lover, Yiannis, the only connection to her daughter back in Sri Lanka. As Petra and Yiannis desperately search for Nisha, they realize how little they knew about her. What they uncover will change them both forever. Inspired by true stories of love and loss, hope and refuge, this evocative masterpiece from bestselling author of The Beekeeper of Aleppo, Christy Lefteri, is an illuminating story of the power of the human spirit, and the enduring love of a mother for her child, that will stay with you long after you finish reading.
 Quarter Four:
  • October
  • November
  • December 
Sign up with credit card
Sign up with Venmo or Zelle

"I loved participating in a book club that offered more than just reading with discussion, which is awesome in itself.
But, what an incredible bonus, to give to others in a purposeful way. It was very meaningful to hear about different
non profit organizations and see what they are doing to improve the lives of so many people throughout the world.
-Christy J. - 2023 Book Club Member

Additional Questions
What if I can't make it to the Zoom meetings?
That's fine! Do what works for you. In 2023 there were a number of members that simply enjoyed the books, gift boxes and knowing they were making a difference in the world and never even attended one Zoom meeting! 
What if I don't feel comfortable talking on the Zoom meetings?
That's totally fine. In fact, you are welcome to listen in and not even turn on your camera. Do what what works for you. We'll just be glad to have you in the book club!
Can you tell me more about the gift boxes?
Each quarter we mail out a gift box that is related to the book and/or the region in the world where the book takes place. Items may include recipe cards, pottery, textiles, leather goods, food items, home décor or jewelry. Each box contains between 3-6 items.
How much of the book club fee is donated to charity?
In 2023, 100% of book club fees were donated to charity. In 2024, approximately 70% of book club fees will be donated to charity. Why the change? While many items in the book club boxes are donated, there are still some costs associated with these quarterly gifts, including shipping. 
How do you decide which do-good organizations to give the donation to?
We would never want to just google search for a non-profit without really knowing how that organization operates, if they are ethical, and if they're really doing what they say they're doing. That's why each organization we partner with has a connection to a book club member who has spent time with them, observed their work and can vouch for their authenticity and trustworthiness.

Want to know what we read in 2023 and the impact we made through our do-good partners? Click on the link below to read more.

"Once I became aware of the Travel on Purpose Book Club and its 4th quarter book and non- profit linked to Uganda, my curiosity drew me in. What a great combination of good reading, supporting a non- profit, and meeting other women with like- minded interests! I haven’t been in a book club like it and I wasn’t disappointed.
To top it off, Dianne is a gracious, knowledgeable host!"

-Anita S. - 2023 Book Club Member

Still not sure?
Email me and I will be glad
to answer your questions:

[email protected] 

Travel on Purpose™ is a full-service travel company ready to plan your vacation. We select the best boutique hotels that are locally owned and work with local tour operators to ensure that your vacation meets all your expectations and benefits the local economy. We identify the hidden gems and unique activities that allow you to immerse in the culture and spend time with changemakers. We organize a visit (that sometimes includes the opportunity to volunteer) with a well-vetted organization doing good work in the community. 100% of our profit is donated back to organizations doing good.